
==> Differential diagnosis with common enteric viruses and bacteria (i.e. norovirus, salmonella, etc.):

Blastocystis symptoms will often persist in individuals for months, years, or decades
Viral and bacterial enteritis usually resolves after a few days or weeks

==> Differential diagnosis with Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica

All clinically reported isolates of G. lamblia and E. histolytica are susceptible to metronidazole treatment.
About half of Blastocystis cases will be untreatable witih metronidazole

==> Differential diagnosis with food intolerances (“allergies”)

True food intolerances are almost always related to a single food. Gluten intolerance and lactose intolerances are the most common food intolerances reported. Removal of the food from the diet produces a resolution of symptoms.
Blastocystis patients will often list many foods which exacerbate symptoms, and removal of several foods will usually not eliminate the symptoms.
Carbohydrate intolerance is common in Blastocystis infection, as it is with Giardia. Patients will report the inability to eat foods with high sugar or starch content, such as fruit or bread.
Some patients are able to manage symptoms with an extensive exclusion diet, which may include exclusion of refined sugar, wheat, dairy products, rice, corn, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol, and fruit.
BRF distributes information concerning developments in Blastocystis research. We also conduct and coordinate research, and we share those results after they are accepted to such journals. We may share information communicated by patients about their cases with their permission, without providing identifying information about the patient.. We can not diagnose you, provide treatment, or manage your particular medical case. Please contact a physician for health care advise.