Springer-Verlag publishes first major textbook on Blastocystis

Springer-Verlag has published the world’s first major textbook on Blastocystis.  The text, assembled by Parasitology Research editor Heinz Mehlhorn and long-time Blastocystis researchers Kevin Tan and Hisao Yoshikawa.

BRF co-founder Ken Boorom contributed two chapters that investigate the analytical process behind using research studies to make a decision about pathogenicity, and suggest that the difficulties associated with Blastocystis recur frequently in the medical community.

The text is sure to become a classic work in this field, and has both scientific and historical significance.  It would be a valuable addition to any collection or library.

Read excerpts on Springer-Verlag’s Site, purchase there

Read excerpts on Amazon.com, purchase the text there


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